Alumni House Construction Update, March 2020
If you’ve been back on campus lately and passed by the corner of Richmond Road and Zable Stadium, you will have noticed the Alumni House is looking a little different lately. Behind the construction fencing and piles of building materials, alongside the historic house we all know and love, rises something totally new — yet with its red bricks and gabled roof it looks like it’s been part of our campus forever.
The Alumni House expansion project, made possible by our alumni and friends, is nearing completion and progress continues every day. The house is expected to reopen this summer and be dedicated this October as part of Homecoming & Reunion Weekend 2020.
Last week, the cupola was installed, a major construction milestone. As the tallest point of the building, the cupola is a visible and iconic symbol of the Alumni House and can be seen from far and wide.
It is the culmination of many months of work, and there's still more to do. Here’s some other highlights of construction since Homecoming & Reunion Weekend 2019. To see all photos, visit our Facebook album.

The completed house will offer a variety of new amenities, including an alumni lounge, new reception area, a board room, a professional catering kitchen, a second-floor gallery and terrace, a pre-function space and a ballroom that will seat almost 400 for a banquet and approximately 700 theater-style. The historic Bright House section of the Alumni House has also been preserved and renovated.
The additional 33,000 square feet of space gives the Alumni Association even more options for hosting engagement events — everything from class reunion receptions to affinity and identity group meetings to award ceremonies.
The Alumni House will also continue to host to a wide variety of private events for alumni, students, friends of the university and community members. The very first wedding in the expanded Alumni House will take place over Labor Day weekend, and reservations are available now for event space for the fall, winter and spring.
This project was made possible through private support — thank you to everyone who made this vision for a beautiful, comfortable and welcoming new home for our alumni and friends a reality. There are still limited naming opportunities available, including spaces in the Family Courtyard. Learn more, give now or contact Richard Long at or (757) 221-1016 for more information.