Impact Week: Small donations equal big change

Once a semester, amidst the stress and excitement of clubs and classes, Impact Week reminds students to connect with the community. During Impact Week, three organizations with exceptional community improvement proposals compete in a week of philanthropy and outreach. Students focus on the greater needs of the William & Mary community and make a dual impact by donating to and voting for their organization of choice.
Students give directly to an organization they support on campus with a $5 donation and then cast votes for their favorite project proposal. The projects are created by students, which means they reflect students’ passions — something truly unique to William & Mary philanthropy.
I give during Impact Week because, as a college student, I can’t cut a huge check for projects or programs about which I am passionate. But during Impact Week generous donors provide the bulk of the financial resources. Students can make a huge difference by simply participating. By donating just a few dollars, I can cast a vote which results in $5,000 in donations.
I love Impact Week because students are contributing to William & Mary's culture of engagement and philanthropy. William & Mary students are unrivaled, not in our ability to recognize areas for improvement, but in understanding our ability to make a difference, and because we are driven to try. By standing together as the greater W&M community, we are able to turn small donations into big change.