Volunteer celebration: Class Ambassadors

Class Ambassadors play an essential role in William & Mary’s overall success by raising awareness about the importance of giving back. DeeDee Keller ’89 talks about why she volunteers as a Class Ambassador.
I entered William & Mary with a lot of anxiety. There were sixty-seven African American students in my freshman class, the largest number ever admitted. I was confident in my academic ability, but I was concerned that I wouldn’t “fit in” socially. I took advantage of everything William & Mary had to offer in that regard. I was in ROTC, I pledged a sorority and I was a resident assistant. I was a member of Omicron Delta Kappa, Pi Sigma Alpha and I was a President’s Aide. I also performed a lot of community service work and was absolutely thrilled to be a recipient of the Sullivan Award when I graduated in 1989.
I was a government major. As a criminal defense attorney, I’m using my degree daily. I’ve practiced law for 24 years and have been in the private practice of law for 14 years. I opened my own firm, Dee Vantree-Keller, P.C., in 2002.
I became a Class Ambassador because I love William & Mary. I gained so much more than a quality education. I learned the importance of service to others and I developed lifelong personal and professional relationships. Being a Class Ambassador allows me to reconnect with my classmates and to reminisce about some of the best times of my life. I also was a member of the Class of 1989’s 25th Reunion Committee and I am a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., and I stay connected to my undergraduate sorority sisters.
As alumni, we play a large role in determining the continued growth or our alma mater. Our donations help to sustain existing programs and to develop and fund new, innovative programs. Our donations also help to support scholarships. As alumni, we are the College’s most valuable asset. We each have skills, experiences and talents to share. U.S. News & World Reports tracks the percentage of alumni giving and uses that as part of the calculation for ranking its list of best colleges and universities. Encouraging our classmates to support the College through giving increases our prestige, and that increases the value of our degrees. It also ensures that the college will thrive for future generations of students.
Whether you’re looking to get engaged with fellow alumni or connect with students, there is an opportunity for you to get involved today. For more information on volunteer opportunities and to sign up, visit wmalumni.com/volunteer.