A New Blog for a New Year

Photo by John Henley
As I look back on 2015, I am in awe of how many memorable moments were created by the William & Mary community. Not only did we introduce a new general education curriculum, but we launched a new M.B.A. program as well. Eight teams won Colonial Athletic Association titles for the Tribe in the last year. William & Mary alumni were also doing amazing things, from coaching the U.S. women’s soccer team to a World Cup Championship, to debuting a film at the Sundance Film Festival.
And in October, William & Mary announced the most ambitious fundraising and alumni engagement campaign in the university’s 323-year history. With the launch of the For the Bold: The Campaign for William & Mary, we are striving to strengthen alumni engagement, achieve 40 percent alumni participation and raise $1 billion. Looks like we have some New Year’s resolutions to work on!
With the start of this ambitious year, your Alumni Association has decided to create a new blog called The Gale. The name is taken from a line in the Alma Mater, “Hark upon the gale, hear the thunder of our chorus.” The blog will feature stories about alumni, student life, faculty research and campus happenings for those interested in William & Mary.
While you “hark upon The Gale,” we hope that you’ll really feel the thunder of our chorus and take pleasure in reading all the amazing stories our community has to tell. Hopefully, you’ll come across something that inspires you, opens your mind, makes you think or makes you smile. Most of all, we hope The Gale will deepen your relationship with the school we care so much about. The Gale is just another way that the Alumni Association is investing in creating lifetime connections with you.
We hope that you’ll visit us Monday-Friday to read up on all things William & Mary. Have an idea for the blog? We welcome your suggestions. Email us at alumniblog@wm.edu.
We can’t wait to hear from you! Happy 2016!
P.S. The William & Mary Alumni Association has many opportunities for you to get involved with the university and your fellow alumni. Please see our Alumni Bucket List below. How many of these items can you complete in 2016?