10 things to see at Homecoming

Members of the Tribe community will descend upon the ’Burg Oct. 13-16 to celebrate Homecoming 2016. The Gale offers up some suggestions on what to check out during William & Mary's big weekend. Visit homecoming.wm.edu for the full list of events going on around campus. Here are our suggestions, in no particular order:
Tribe Sports
Don’t forget to support some other Tribe teams this weekend. Besides football, men’s and women’s soccer, and field hockey also hit the field over Homecoming.
The women’s soccer team has a pair of matchups (their final home games of the season) against Delaware and Drexel, starting with the Blue Hens on Friday. Sunday’s game against the Dragons will be Senior Day for the Tribe. Field hockey also has two games, facing Drexel on Friday and Delaware on Sunday. Men’s soccer goes up against Michigan on Saturday night.
Visit Tribe Athletics for more game times and ticket information.
Are you celebrating a reunion during Homecoming 2016? Visit the Reunions page to find a schedule of events specific to your reunion year. From receptions to parade watches to tailgates, you'll find plenty of opportunities to reminisce with old classmates.
Campus and Williamsburg Landmarks
Relive your college days and visit your favorite spots around town. Take a stroll over the Crim Dell with your significant other or walk through the Wren Building (on Saturday, you can even ring the Wren Bell!). And don’t forget your old college hangouts off campus, like College Delly, the Green Leafe and Paul’s.
University showcases
Visit exhibits featuring faculty and students highlighting educational and cultural life both on and off campus. Visit homecoming.wm.edu to see descriptions of the different showcases and specific location information.
Dedication of Lemon and Hardy Halls
In the spring, two student residence halls were named in memory of African Americans important to W&M’s past. Hardy Hall was named in recognition of the late Carroll Hardy, a longtime and beloved administrator in student affairs who made an impact on diversity at the university. Lemon Hall was named in memory of an enslaved man owned by William & Mary in the late 18th century and for whom the university’s Lemon Project is named. Join the William & Mary community for the official dedication of the buildings as we honor these two key figures in the university’s history. The ceremony takes place on Saturday, Oct. 15, at 11:30 a.m.
Leadership Symposium
As the climate changes and sea levels rise, coastal communities around the world are already feeling the impact of their changing landscape. But how much water do we expect? When? Where? And what are we doing now to prepare? A panel of William & Mary and VIMS faculty, students and alumni will discuss the science behind sea level rise, the implications for our coastal communities and beyond, and how cross-disciplinary collaborations at W&M are addressing the complex environmental, social, economic and legal issues involved. The event takes place Friday at the Sadler Center at 2:30.
Homecoming Parade
In case you haven’t heard, William “Bill” Schermerhorn ’82, former creative director of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, is consulting with the William & Mary Alumni Association to make this year’s Homecoming Parade the best yet. (Read more here.) Visit homecoming.wm.edu to see the parade route and find out where you can meet up with your classmates to watch. The parade sets off on Friday, Oct. 14 at 4:30.
The Big Tent
The big tent is back! At 98 feet wide and 230 feet long, the tent takes about 10 days to assemble. The more than 22,000 feet of event space includes a porch. You can take in all the big tent has to offer during Virginia Uncorked, the All-Alumni Tailgate and the Saturday Night Bash.
New buildings and renovations
See the improvements made across campus, from the new ISC3 building to renovations in Tyler and Tucker Halls.
The new Zable Stadium
Speaking of renovations, come see the improved Zable Stadium with its new upper deck, suites and a press box. The Tribe takes on the Blue Hens on Saturday. Visit Tribe Athletics for ticket information.