Paid Part-Time Jobs

We offer student worker positions that give W&M students meaningful experiences and exposure to our work. Our connections and opportunities for students are part of our work to build a culture of engagement and philanthropy at William & Mary. You can apply for the W&M Phonathon Program any time during the academic year and hiring is done at the beginning of each semester, and we also offer other jobs as they become available, listed below.

William & Mary Phonathon

Fall Hiring: September, Spring Hiring: January

William & Mary’s Phonathon Program is a committed, enthusiastic group of students who reach out to alumni, parents, and friends of the Tribe for feedback and support. We build relationships, create connections, share news, raise funds, and extend gratitude to celebrate this wonderful place we all love.

Our group is made up of full-time William & Mary students who call throughout the academic year and in part of each summer. If you’re interested in becoming a Student Phonathon Ambassador, fill out this application. For more information or to ask a question, email


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