Q&A with Hodan Seger '18

Can you tell us a little about yourself and where you are today?

I am from a small school in central Virginia outside of Richmond and an economics major and biology minor here at W&M. I became interested in biology from attending a governor's school prior to William & Mary that focused on the sciences. I honestly cannot tell you how and when I decided to become an economics major considering math is not exactly my best subject. I just kept taking classes and enjoyed them, and voila, here we are! Additionally, I am involved with Club Field Hockey, Sports Business and work in Tribe Athletics.

What is your fondest William & Mary memory?

I cannot pinpoint any one memory as my fondest at W&M, but I without a doubt recall and recant stories from spending time with my freshman hall the most (go Taliaferro!). In one of the study carrels in Swem on the second floor someone has written something I think will hold true for everyone once they leave William & Mary whether or not they realize it now or not: "…you won't remember the tests or assignments but rather the people when you leave." Not a day has gone, or will, go by for the rest of my time here I'm sure, that I don't spend time or communicate with the people who were here with me literally from day one.

How did philanthropy impact your undergraduate experience?

I, along with many students here, have received generous scholarships in order to attend this institution. My most treasured moment of philanthropy, however, does not involve money at all. I was having a difficult time juggling extenuating outside circumstances my fall semester junior year, causing my grades to slip in one course. A professor recognized that I was having a hard time and went above and beyond the call of duty in order to help me inside and outside the classroom! Without his guidance to help me cope with stress, my transition from nearly failing a class one semester to getting on the Dean's List the next would have been an impossible feat.

Can you describe how your relationship with the Tribe has grown from freshman year to today?

My relationship with the Tribe has grown stronger as I've realized the many different things the Tribe has to offer, as well as broadened my circle of friends. Let's face it, you can't really work four years in athletics and not get hyper-invested in the Tribe!

What compels you to give back to William & Mary?

It has been a greater experience than I could've ever imagined! I came to W&M not the most enthusiastic scholar previously wanting to go out-of-state for college. I remember the first thing that really shocked me when I came here was just how nice everyone was. The workers at Marketplace were legitimately the kindest humans I had ever met, personally remembering and asking dozens of people how their days were going each meal. It seems insignificant in the grander sense of things, but that kindness is for sure what blew me away at first and made me feel at home here.

Why do you think it's important that young alumni, as a community, support William & Mary?

Just think about it…you will never be closer to this organization (or more in tune with what it needs) than when you are attending or have just graduated! Even a little donation goes a long way, especially with more people involved!

With Commencement just around the corner, what is the legacy you are most proud to leave for future members of the Tribe?

The Class of 2018 is kind of special in the legacy it leaves because so many milestone anniversaries and new beginnings have occurred from 50th anniversary of African-Americans & 100th anniversary of co-education to our first female athletics director and president. Personally, I'm ok with the little legacies I've left in organizations I've been directly involved with (ex: getting a budget increase for the club). I always try to leave something better than what I came and have felt like I have accomplished that.

What would you like President Reveley to know about your experience at William & Mary as a student and alumnus?

First, he for sure needs to seriously consider a career in audiobooks once he leaves W&M. Secondly, I appreciate how available he was to the students. I would walk past him all the time on my way to class every morning when I lived in Taliaferro and he would say hello to each student walking by! He was a celebrity in his own right and he will truly be missed!